White circular video buffering spinner
Driving While Black vehicle reveal video overlay

Fully Equipped to Survive Being Racially Profiled.

3 quarters hero shot of retro-futuristic sedan in a dark warehouse, spot lit from multiple angles
White circular video buffering spinner

The World's First 2024 DWB

Walk around the first car that is the safety feature.

Backlit front view of Driving While Black vehicle
White circular video buffering spinner

Why We Built this Car

In America people largely acknowledge that racism exists, but they can't always recognize it in their own lives and communities. It's not by choice, but they can't always see the double standards that exist around them.

That's why we built this car. To help highlight those double standards Black people experience, during the most common interaction with police - traffic stops. From microaggressions to murder, routine traffic stops are anything but routine when you're Black. So, while this car isn't real, it is our reality. We hope by bringing this issue to light, we can spark conversation and change in the communities we ALL live in.

Driving While Black vehicle
Take Action


Get Involved

Now the real work begins. Visit the Courageous Conversation® Global Foundation website to learn the most effective ways to engage in elevated dialogue, that leads to interracial healing. Conversations that create a safe space for learning, solidarity and transformation to occur.

large white bold opening quotation mark Make Your Story Part of Our Story

Black people are racially profiled every day, but our stories are rarely covered on the news. Share your own Driving While Black story with the hashtag #DWBauto on social media to help shed light on how prevalent this issue truly is.

Share Your
#DWB Story
flat white Driving WHile Black logo on purple gradient background


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AR Experience

DWB - Explore
it in AR

Scan to experience the safety of the DWB in your world.

Launch DWB AR white caret symbol pointing right
qr code, scan to open AR experience